Wednesday, March 11, 2009


K so I was thinking of interesting-but-useless-and-irrelevent materials to blog about without heavy visual aids (i.e. images) and the end result was that I had too much stuff to blog about.

Like recently (ok for the past 2 weeks) what Farley and I have been doing is
  • Wake up at 4, 5 pm and head out for a break
  • Watch Disney for a while (Hubstation is like, my favourite thing ever invented)
  • Read some trashy chick lit (me) and surf soccer news (him)
  • Lounge on our bed killing monsters and evil kings on our PS3 (which we lugged all the way to Yishun from Jurong)
Speaking of games, what I was hooked on was Eternal Sonata

It only just came out 3 months ago or so, and F was all over it and its raved reviews so we got it last week. Actually even now, after we'd completed the game I still don't quite understand the story. But here's what I know vaguely, and in case you must know, I'm not a very good gamer.

Main characters

Allegretto and Polka - all musical names apparently since the whole game centers around Frederic Chopin.

Beat! I used him throughout the whole game because he is just so awesome. And he's super cute. See that little brown retro looking thing he's holding? That's his camera because he's a photographer. And sniper. I like using him cos he's like, not close combat haha. I can't run to monsters and hit them, I'll only panic so I have to use a character that stands like really far away and attack.

Their story starts with them stealing food for kids who live in the sewers, because an evil Count taxes everything so exorbitantly. Except for his mineral powder, which is secretly poisonous.

This is Chopin. Yeah the same famous pianist during the Romantic period who died at 39 of tuberculosis. And dated George Sand. It was all in the game, but Farley and I skipped everything because it was just so damn slow. Handsome isn't he? And he is supposed to be 39. The whole world the game is about is supposedly all in his head, a dream he was having but in the end he died in his reality and continued to live in the 'dream world'.

Freakishly gorgeous Prince Crescendo and Princess Serenade of another country who joins in the rebellion against said evil Count.

Don't they look fabbo in their white capes?

Hottest character:

Falsetto. HOW HOT IS SHE? Omg. And she's an awesome fighter to boot. Kind of like Rikku in Final Fantasy.

Ok now I realise I'm really sounding like a gamer geek. Haha. But it is touted 'Best PS3 Game in 2009' so yeah. Now that we've completed it I feel all miserable. Like a chapter in my life has ended. Bah.

Yesterday Farley and I (God it sounds like Marley and Me) headed out to visit Daddy (not my dad, whom I call Dada, but I love him like one) at Alexander Hospital cos he was there for a neuro scan. After that we headed out for dinner at Giraffe.

Ok I couldn't find the night view. But anyways we wanted to hit Dempsey for some awesome lasagne-that-melts-in-your-mouth Italian but it was too far from any cinema (Farley wanted to catch Watchmen) so we made do with Giraffe.

God, the food sucked.

Haha it didn't really, but because halfway through the meal, a fucking lizard landed on my arm from nowhere.


Yeah cos we were being macho and dined al fresco, when we could have sat indoors and far far away from dropping lizards.

Of course I shrieked and gagged but I was macho and swiped the lizard off my arm (cos Farley was sitting too far away to do it, but anyway he's as scared of them as I am). Where it froze on the ground and only slithered away 5 mins later. Crazy anot?

I was too grossed out to eat and stuff. Bleurghhhhhhhhhh.

And we watched Watchmen, where we got further grossed out and I failed to understand the story plot.


Anyway on a different topic, I've been worrying about the dog food that Sushi is taking. She's eating some cheap canned food called Gulp or something that someone bought, but I'm trying Science Diet. I know shit about dog food and organic terms yadda but after buying three cans of Science Diet I just found out on a forum that it's made by by-products. Urg so frustrated. I don't want Sushi to die because I know shit about dog food!!!!

K going for dinner now. Am going to try playing PS2's Final Fantasy X on PS3, hahahaha.


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