Tuesday, December 22, 2009


It is almost at the end of another year. Strange, huh, how time passes and it's like no one notices it. I am almost 19, and yet I still feel the same way I did when I was 16.

Mmm. Like how when I was 16, I always do what I want, not what I need. Don't get me wrong, I'm not proud of it but everyone's gotta be honest with at the very least themselves, right?

Like now. I have stupidly forgot to get Christmas presents for Farley and I last week when I was in town to get other presents for our Christmas exchange. I don't know what planet I was on, but geez, I could have gotten all my shopping done in one fell swoop amidst the smelly bodies I was squashed between. But nooo I just had to be an idiot and forget. (If you're thinking how the hell Farley is gonna get me my present when he's in the army now, well, I'm gonna get it on his card, all wrapped up, and make him give it to me on Christmas' Eve! Genius, isn't it?)

Anyway point is, I'm really reluctant to leave my comfy bed, not to mention Season 1 of True Blood. That show is so irritating. I was so pissed off by the southern accents because it was so thick it made my hair stand on end and argh, I couldn't understand a lot of the names and mind things the protaganist was saying. Turns out it was inspired by the Southern Gothic Vampire Thingamajig book. Oh-kay. Totally excuses the rednecks and corny lines...

But the main vampire is so hot I just have to keep watching. Poo.

Oh and did I mention the xRx21x parts? Hehe. Hot girls, hot vampires, bam bam bam!

Woohoo. Ending abruptly here.
