Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Oh happy day!!

Qt and I went shopping today!

Qt got Allure Homme Sport (because of the swivel purse size) and I got a new foundation from Chanel

I bought a Tiffany bean necklace for Momo (I love the little blue box... but ME IS SELFLESS K)

Super big Burberry paperbag it was so bloody heavy I got red marks on my palms. But oh well at least I don't buy a teeny Miu Miu bracelet and ask for a super big bag to wave around *coughs*

Qt got a Monogram Canvas wallet (edited I got the wrong wallet :/)

And I got a Supernova large tote! Actually this is not the exact one but I couldn't get the picture of the exact one. It comes with a matching purse inside too

Testing testing

Corny Korea pictures from damn long ago:

Mych and I camwhoring while catching almost-non-existent teeny enny snowflakes

Dada is a happy pumpkin (Brandon's gearing up for a snowball fight)

Er... I can't remember the name of the Disneylandish place. Must be Dreamworld or something like that haha.
LOL I movie star HAHA get caught looking glamorous candid

Yo fat warrior! It was damn funny we were like trying to be funny all but he is DAMN good he just ignored us.

At Lotteworld. I bet you didn't know the candy brand Lotte has a superbig entertainment themepark in Korea did you? I didn't haha. Oh I was trying to be funny and look into *coughs* ahha but FAIL. SUPER FAIL.

Movie star moment again LOL

I love this picture it's so sweet! But sigh in Singapore you can hardly get this kind of lighting with the old architecture behind.

Unglam la. How glam can you look walking backwards

Going home

I look so fucking weird
LOL I was looking at Hermes' new season + ANOTHER MOVIE STAR MOMENT HAHAHAR

Ok bye I am tres happy. Thank you Qtpie!!!


Anonymous said...

That is a lot of loot Mav!! Haha I'm getting the foundation next week too. But i'm still comtemplating on Chanel or Bobbi brown. Haha. I like your baggg!!

The Shoe Bunny said...
