Dinner at Bottle Tree Park
I feel like I should be singing shang hai tan here
Hi tea buffet at Carousel
I love chocolate fountains! Qt and I were thinking of going for the chocolate buffet at Fullerton but he doesn't like chocolate (I KNOW) and I get sick of it after awhile so still pondering. Oh btw (digressing) Qt just gave me a KS yesterday!!
What the hell is KS?
It is...
Bread pudding!!! My fave!!
I look like a pontianak next to him
OMG :D!!
Then we headed for after dinner - dinner at Cine
We watched House Bunny & Eagle Eye... in between we camwhored at the Lounge
K trying to blow bubbles
Qt vallantly showing a peek of his wallet cos... well you'll know the reason later.
TADAH!!!! Ms Kimberly kept hugging her new LV Beaubourg and Qt wanted to disturb her cos she banned him from Coke.
Stop laughing at my bag la i can put Sushi inside k.
I am like doing this in Photoshop class. BORED TO TEARS.
K bye K and B's birthday pics will be up soon.
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