Ok, so for a few days now I've been wanting to get WII. I wasn't so interested in it despite the tennis/guitar hero/rockband (what IS the difference huh? I might as well just get rockband since there's a guitar in it too) until i saw...

I know, right? What the hell is this?
I don't care if i'm slow or what, it looked so tempting on the shelf I could hear it calling out to me..
"You know you want me... I can let you cook yummy dishes... You know you want me..."
But surprisingly and amazingly, I managed to exercise some self control.
Not because I'm not getting it, mind you. Because that shop was overpriced(!!)
Momo was damn interested in it but we were discussing the space issue. Do you have any bloody idea how humongous and space taking an entire rock band set is? I was like getting all paranoid already, hahaha.
Then the other day Qt and i were at Sony and he wanted to get PS3. Honestly, I have zero interest in it, but as Qt explained, Ps3 and Wii are like PSP and DS. One for boys, one for girls.
I shrugged and saw rockband for PS3.
What is the deal with game people huh? I want so many rockbands for what? Make more girly games, like some Barbie dress up game, a MAC Fafi makeup game, or some hair saloon game. I'm telling you, girls everywhere will lap it up = sony/ps3/psp (selfish MCP game people) will EARN. Rawr.
In the end Qt didn't get it cos 40gb and 80gb are the same price and we didnt know whether it's ahrem, modified. If it could be modified. PLUS the set is humongous, so if he gets it i would want the rockband set which is also the size of a small house thus we wouldn't be able to lug it home.
Thus, we are getting it prolly this weekend, if Momo is feeling sunny.
you mean if you get a wii its not gonna be at home!?!?!
It will be la stupidhead kuku.
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