Monday, February 9, 2009

Ebay is awesome

One of my buys from ebay.

Heh heh this almost puts me in the mood to study for locvid/marketing. Almost.
I'm so happy!!! Don't know if I should bring it to the Chanel store to authenticate it. Good sense tells me that I should, but I really don't have the time. As in, Paypal gives you a grace period, but I have 2 tests plus insane deadlines this week! Gah. It's so stupid I just found out our tests are all scheduled one week before our study week. Yeah, I don't get it either.

Anyway it has a faded numerical code thingy and a price of USD xxx so I don't think it isn't. But maybe I should just bring it down at the end of this crazy week.

P.s. I love it!!

P.p.s. The seller gave me a free hello kitty towel which I discovered only after I ripped the box apart happily. Oh well, it's from Japan hellokittylalaland anyway.


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