Just remembered something quite funny.
For the past week, I keep worrying because I had two American Apparel packages scheduled to be delivered to my Yishun address (I changed my Vpost address to the Yishun one because I thought everything would come during the holidays, but the AA one came later when I had moved back to Jurong with F when school started) but so far no boxes had turned up.
It is quite a complicated situation to explain. The thing is, during the day, no one's home or awake to sign for the package till my brother comes home during the afternoon from school. Yeah sure, the postman can leave the note, but then again, there's a 70% chance Sushi will chew it into pieces. Resulting in no one having seen the note or the package and them being redelivered BACK to the states.
So you get my dilemma.
I was stuck in a state of fretting and constantly calling my family back home Yishun to check for my AA stuff. "Did you get two boxes? Are there any notes? Is there a pile of chewed therefore unrecognizable paper shreds on the floor next to the kennel?"
I must have called at least ten times. All I got was " No boxes, but there are two envelope-ish packages though... think they are mychelle's"
And when I went home for a relatively expansive reunion dinner, Nat and Nicole's caretaker Lihong opened my wardrobe door and some envelope-ish thing tumbled out onto her head. Seeing the AA logo on it I leaped for it and hugged it. Ok seriously, I was so relieved that I tore it open. Then I tore the second one.
How was I to know packages don't just come in boxes, but also in plasticky envelopy things?
Anyway F and I are going to watch THE TING TINGS tomorrow! Awesome possum! Bought plenty of lightsticks/bangles/specs for it along with a new fan. Yeah. A new fan for our room. Ha ha.
Hope the security doesn't confiscate my dslr tomorrow. -crosses fingers
Webgraph to look forward to in 8hours, yay me.
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