Today woke up late and realised the folks once again abandoned F and I. However we left for Marina Sq for dinner with the Godfamily. (Godbrother, Benjamin's birthday) at some sukiyakiyoki that Momo saw on telly. (I know)
BUT IT WAS AWESOME. Ok maybe not the whole no-reservations-so-the-1.5hours-wait, not the food BUT THE ICE CREAM PART OF IT.
So like, there's two parts of the dinner. First you have steamboat and bbq buffet, (the food sucked but the soup base's awesome possum) THEN you change to the ice cream table. Pictures are not with me cos er. Forgot it in when whole family was yelling ARE YOU DONE?? at me. Not funny.
There's this cold thing that looks like a nicer version of the bbq part, and you get creamy liquids served in glasses that's supposed to BECOME the ice cream. You also get spatula thingies, that help you MAKE YOUR OWN ICE CREAM!
Awesome, it was just like my own real life Cooking Mama.

Credits: FashionToast
Had to take this pic off FT cos it is no longer on Topshop's website. Boo.
Anyway, am pretty sad cos after being so happy, thinking about it throughout dinner and returning to Topshop after we were done to get it, the studded boots' smallest size was a 6. And it wasn't a small size either, I could fit into a size 3 in that cutting man... It looked so fab and was totally comfortable and had a price range in the healthy hundreds. So I delibrated. It will be my 5th pair of ankle boots. And yes, Life is so rad it just have to do this to me once I've decided.
By the way, what's up with Topshop and all it's Chinese National workers?!?!?
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