Been flying low lately. Attempt to bond with classmates has been trying... but seems that the closer i get the closer their GPA 3.5 molecules get to me and I end up feeling like I did in RV. Except that now it feels like I'm a triple science student getting a F while a stupid lit student gets an A. Yeah. I'm not trying to show off, my point in here is that I know I'm could and should be getting much better grades that I am now, if i could just get my lazy ass to turn up for school. This sem so far so good, though yesterday was terribly difficult to convince myself cos I fell sick.
Anyway photos of K and B's birthday will be up soon, simply because there's TONS of them. So yeah, I'm a slow person. Need to pack now for Malacca trip on Saturday, but I'm still doing some last minute shopping here. Agnes B and chicken rice balls here i come!!!! My parcel came today but there was no one there to sign for it so it went back to the PO. Damn... hate registered mail. I know its safer and everything but there's this thing with the postman that he likes to turn up when i'm not home. So, I'm paying 2 bucks plus every parcel for the postman to pass me a piece of paper and head down to the mothereffing post office at JURONG WEST. In. The. Morning.
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