Monday, September 1, 2008

You should get a happy meal

I'm back I'm back I'm backkkkkk!!!!
I didn't get killed shot massacred by any radicals or rebels or tsunamis...
Oh wait. *Remembers Xina's lecture on tsunamis and terrorists being absolutely different things*

Ahem. I meant terrorists.

OH Oh wait I think it was something about riots and protests right?

Anyway, I was so bz shopping away all 5 days that I didn't go temples, 'tiger' shows, tranny cabarets, massages plus nails and hair! It's hard to believe but I was just so into the shopping...

I got lots of awesome buys!!!!!!!! *bounces around*

I'm tired will update with photos later.
GG season 2 is out!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How's Thailand Mavis? (: and zomg I have no idea how to use facebook. I only know how to accept friend requests hahaha shiz im sucha loser