I have so much to blog about but assignments are already piling up so... bleah. Morning classes have taken a toll on me and now I feel sleepy at 8pm. 8pm!!! Anyway F didn't give me much time to blog (grr homework) so just a short one:

Acne zebra pants!!! So cute omg. Found these ages ago and just never got around to posting them up. I want the black ones contrast contrast contrast!! Sorry I forgot the image source. Anyway the shoes in the white pants pic are exactly what I'm looking for... You know wide peeptoe slip, then a huge black wedge covering the rest of the feet. Mmm.

Gareth Pugh. (Sorry forgot image source again) Can't wait can't wait for his show plus he's super hot. Yay!!!!!
Ok back to looking at websites that I have to rip apart and redesign. What is it about this course that includes redesigning websites?? I mean if I wanted to design websites I'll go to an IT course where the course centers on Adobe and everything right? Half the people in Mass Comm are in there because
1) They want to be an anchorperson/reporter/journalist
2) They want to write for a girly/fashion magazine
3) They think that they're so cool and Mass Comm is a cool course so they have to join.
I mean, location video?? If I want to shoot videos on locations I would join Film, Sound and Video right? But it's like NOOOOOO other courses choose their major in 2nd year we choose ours in the 3rd year, after 2 years dabbling in things we have no interest in. And half of the 3rd year we're doing internship. I know it's MASS communications and everything but everything's so diverse.
Most people's conception of MC is that's what aspiring journalists, reporters and advertising people do but the writing part is like 20%, and the rest are made of modules you're not interested in. I mean, yeah learning how to work the radio station thing is pretty cool, as well as learning dreamweaver and everything but the software gets outdated, and so does your knowledge. By the time you graduate, maybe go to uni (okay, 99.9% of my course will die if they don't go) and graduate with a degree, radio stations as well as website companies don't use the same software anymore. You no longer know how to use the new and updated tools.
And the writing component is NOT adequate at all. It's like common conception that if you go MC you most probably want to be a writer or journalist/reporter. So why is it that most of the things we learn have nothing to do with writing at all? Video shooting comes in 2 core modules, as well as radio production. Which means, after you finish one semester of dipping your finger in a pot that you're not interested in and sigh in relief/pure joy, you go into the next year to find out, Welcome To Radio/Video Production TWO!!!!! Hooray!!!!!
Am tired after my brief rant. If NP staff/board/teachers or someone related reads this I'm temporarily deranged and you shouldn't take this seriously.
Ok back to looking at websites that I have to rip apart and redesign. What is it about this course that includes redesigning websites?? I mean if I wanted to design websites I'll go to an IT course where the course centers on Adobe and everything right? Half the people in Mass Comm are in there because
1) They want to be an anchorperson/reporter/journalist
2) They want to write for a girly/fashion magazine
3) They think that they're so cool and Mass Comm is a cool course so they have to join.
I mean, location video?? If I want to shoot videos on locations I would join Film, Sound and Video right? But it's like NOOOOOO other courses choose their major in 2nd year we choose ours in the 3rd year, after 2 years dabbling in things we have no interest in. And half of the 3rd year we're doing internship. I know it's MASS communications and everything but everything's so diverse.
Most people's conception of MC is that's what aspiring journalists, reporters and advertising people do but the writing part is like 20%, and the rest are made of modules you're not interested in. I mean, yeah learning how to work the radio station thing is pretty cool, as well as learning dreamweaver and everything but the software gets outdated, and so does your knowledge. By the time you graduate, maybe go to uni (okay, 99.9% of my course will die if they don't go) and graduate with a degree, radio stations as well as website companies don't use the same software anymore. You no longer know how to use the new and updated tools.
And the writing component is NOT adequate at all. It's like common conception that if you go MC you most probably want to be a writer or journalist/reporter. So why is it that most of the things we learn have nothing to do with writing at all? Video shooting comes in 2 core modules, as well as radio production. Which means, after you finish one semester of dipping your finger in a pot that you're not interested in and sigh in relief/pure joy, you go into the next year to find out, Welcome To Radio/Video Production TWO!!!!! Hooray!!!!!
Am tired after my brief rant. If NP staff/board/teachers or someone related reads this I'm temporarily deranged and you shouldn't take this seriously.