When school finally closed for a three week break, I thought I was finally able to take a breather. But no... endless deadlines, work, plus having to deal with Vpost and Christmas shopping, shopping for a new size XXL wardrobe to fit all our clothes... argh. I mean, Christmas's awesome, but what I thought I would get was a free break. Free. Like, post Os. Or post PSLE. Nothing to do, leaving you free and unadultered to bum weeks away.
Anyway, Happy Birthday Momo! (Ok, take today as yesterday)
We had a two day celebration ha ha. It was really warm and fuzzy (:
Anyway, the actual present I got for Momo is still in the States and unlikely to drop by before her birthday or Christmas so I got a new phone for Momo! Mych and I shared but I bought another one for myself just because the blinged Razr decided to go blank on me, and the old Nokia that F used to use simply, just simply, didn't like me yakking on the phone.
Earlier today, Mych and I were stumped for what to get Momo.
There were only three things that we could get for her without her throwing them into the back of her closet.
1) Perfume
2) Designer bags
3) Jewellery
1) is out, because over time, it's become a bit of a cliche. 2) is also out, because I already got one for her (as in, one already intended for that purpose) and 3), nobody wants to go down to Tiffany's.
Then F asked us to get a mobile phone for her. It's quite ingenious actually, because the phone she is using now is the Samsung sidekick phone with touch screen, and in my opinion it's quite a irritating phone to use when you're in a hurry though less irritating than the iphone, and when she goes out of town, she NEVER gets reception on her phone. So she starts panicking and borrowing our phones (mine useless too) all around to call home.
So we decided to get her a fuss-free phone with excellent reception. But somehow it seemed rather irrational because whatever 'fuss-free' phone we get her will be a degradation from her current irritating phone. Still...
We got her a LG Ice Cream phone.

Vanilla for her, Strawberry for me!
Haha I know it looks really un-hightech-thingamajig and dumb but it's really cute! LG phones always have all the cute useless things that other practical brands don't. And I don't really want a high tech and fidgety phone right now so it's perfect. But now I can't decide if I wanna stick crystals on its baby pink patent case or not.
I googled for the phone and ...

It's so weird that almost every page had this 2 girls. Maybe they're the ambassadors but it still looked weird. I can't even find nice pictures of the phones.
Day 1 (which is yester yesterday)

Momo looked so excited and happy for once in ages... I like her this way.

Haha so cute :D

This is her i-just-have-a-teeny-weeny-fear-of-heights face. When we went inside the capsule, she promptly sat down on the bench thing and never left it till the ride ended.

Haha my parents are so cute

Bonding over soccer

Happy birthday Momo!

Emo nemo.

She's so happy and that makes me super happy

My dad = super fun

Qt/F/Mr Dimple

Everytime I wear this top I have this weird urge to flounce around in it.

Emo nemo dad

So scared she started gabbing on the phone

I have a nutty sister.

Ok I know this pic my hand looks wrong.

Haha in this one my mom's the only one who looks sane

Er. I also have a nutty brother.

Ok we are ALL nutty.

After the ride we had dinner at Angus House. F and I just ate there a couple of days ago and F was still raving about their steak so...

But this time round it was better cos we had a private room

I know it doesn't show up nice in pictures but it's so pretty and quaint and white.

One thing I don't get though: why do they use towels (or towel-looking things) as table mats?


Yummy oysters

Haha Momo still looking happy

Some fish thing for appetizer

Cream of carrot soup - I didn't like it so traded with F for minestrone

My 250g tenderloin. I asked for medium well but I think the waitress only heard medium and it came super rare in the middle. Tasted like chewing raw beef from the fridge. Sent it back and I got a new more cooked one.

Dad made me take a photo of his lobster set. I had this the first time round and it was hands down the best lobster I've had. So fresh and... fluffy.

Yummy tiramisu for dessert

Made dad drive the long way home to stop off and get some frozen yoghurt.