Sunday, September 28, 2008
The z monster
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Out of the blue today I remembered how we used to write those cute postcards when we were in secondary school. All those little doddles, words of encouragement; all in a bid to cheer a friend up, to celebrate Friendship Days or just for the sake of it. At the same time, I wonder if it was worth it losing contact with so many friends... but someone once said to me that I'm not missing out on much either if that's all our friendships held.
I would love to have a group of girlfriends, even though in groups girls tend to bitch a lot i just want a close knitted group of friends who love each other and would be there for everyone in times of need. On the other hand, I'm not really good at making friends because I'm afraid of judgement. I'm also a little intolerant on the tolerant side, if you get what I mean. Many things irritate me, and I get all snappish but if you're loyal, I've got your back.
I'm actually shy, if you would believe me. And most people's first impressions of me are really funny. In secondary school I was intimidating (Even though I was sad and friendless for the first six months), In poly I am snobbish and spolit. Ha ha. It's really funny, in a sad way when you realise how different you look to others as compared to yourself.
Sometimes I wish I was more tolerant, nicer, sweeter, prettier so that I can actually have girlfriends.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Happy Day no.2

Went out with Momo, Mama, Daddy, Nat, Nic and Qt to pray to Confucious. Er. To make us smarter. Had seafood dinner at Sembawang (I'm gonna hurl if I see another prawn) then headed to Causeway. Qt bought this Canon for me!!! Am the most spoilt girl ever. Cues guilt trip again...
Another reason I'm so happy is because... I got a usb cable for my Creative Zen!!! Yeehaw. All my technical woes solved. Woo woo woo. Happy happy!!! Plus. I got an additional book on lenses. MANY PRETTY PICTURES TO LOOK THROUGH. WA.HA.HA.HA.
Bye alligators.
I'm saving you tonight
I AM SO ANNOYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know it's so boring to keep listening to a person moan and groan and I'm sure it's the same reading it BUT I can't help it. I can't load polyvore, I can't load movies, everything takes a goddamned long time to load!!! And I so need to check my school's email but the stupid thing won't even appear.
On the plus side, I am getting my camera tomorrow go me!!
But I've been feeling very guilty for spending so much money in such a short time... Cos you know when people buy things, they think about it, they compare prices, blah blah go home think and ponder, write down pros cons list... I'm not like that at all. I see, buy. See, buy. I like it, I get it. Because I can't stand waiting for things when I want them and with my luck, if I actually go back to get it it'll be out of stock. So just get it la.
I keep saying "I feel so bloody guilty..." to Qt with a sad face. On my first try, he smiled, gave me a bear hug, patted my head and went back to his football game. On my fourth try, he growled " You can't put a pricetag on happiness and you do love the bag right? Now stfu please."
Ok he didn't really say stfu hahahhaa. I just added it in to make him look mean. Because he's always mean but I always get accused of being the mean one. People accusing me of being mean, I am really not mean ok. Not very.
cheebai com
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Oh happy day!!
Qt and I went shopping today!

Corny Korea pictures from damn long ago:
I look so fucking weird
Ok bye I am tres happy. Thank you Qtpie!!!
tiffany and co
Monday, September 22, 2008
Just a teeny update
Damn I'm annoyed. I've been loading Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle because I want I want I want to watch but Interneh is so being a total mindfuck now. It's just so goddamned slow. Like a Loris.
Was away on cruise (again) and ate so much I put on 1000 pounds.
Hahaha am so bored... should be getting a new camera soon so I can get more focused and take shots I have always wanted to take. Am hesitant though... I could get a new bag with the moolah. But I really want to experiment and see how it goes so. Excitedness!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008
I finally found cullocks
Holla! I just watched my new favourite chick flick for the 4th time in 3 days and so I can't help blogging about it:

P.s. When I first watched it, I thought she was Ashley Tisdale. Ok from the photos she doesn't look like Ashley Tisdale at all, but watch the movie first, then judge me. I was halfway through when she turned brunette then I realised it wasn't her -.-
chick flick,
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Don't you think
it's so goddamn annoying when you see something you absofuckinglutely HAD to have, but then before you can happily announce it to the world, someone absofuckinglutely NOT worthy of the object of your desires does it.
And, it is so damn disappointing when you meet someone and inside your mind you go, man, she's so cool. She's special, not like all the other girls out ther- BAM! She does something that totally throws you off and shows that yes, ladies and gentlemen, she IS indeed one of them.
Why, you may ask, in living beejaysus name am I being such a nonsensical bitch when both subjects are not really that significant to me to warrant throwing a hissy fit at 6 fucking am in the morning?
Because I'm not cool like that.
Monday, September 15, 2008
I am going to curl up with a book.
Inside a book, I don't have to face life's little comedies. I don't have to pretend to be someone i'm not. I don't have to live with expectations that I'm not who I am.
Inside a book, I can be anyone I want.
So, I am going to curl up with a book.
Inside a book, I don't have to face life's little comedies. I don't have to pretend to be someone i'm not. I don't have to live with expectations that I'm not who I am.
Inside a book, I can be anyone I want.
So, I am going to curl up with a book.
Crabby's happy food
I'm back! Hhaha photos from dinner at Sembawang's BottleTree Park on Thursday are up. Dinner with to celebrate/bid farewell/some shit for Kenneth who went into army on Friday. I was uploading these on Friday when Qt and I decided to go on a cruise with Momo on a snap decision and we only got back this morning. Then had steamboat with family to celebrate er.. Mooncake Festival.

K and I ate all the cabbage in the two appetisers and left the rest hahahhaha to stupid mych.

Old people please don't scrunch your face, only young pretty hot girls can do that. But Mych is not counted as young pretty and hot cos she used my Mac last night without asking!!!!!

P.s. After dinner, we still had 3 crabs alive in our kitchen. And while Qt was watching soccer and dad was out I went into the kitchen. And I saw the lid of the container keeping the crabs from pincing Sushi to death on the floor... First thing my eyes went to was the container... TWO CRABS???? And I looked at the lid again. It was... moving. My fingers (Mickey Mouse band-aided, thanks to hard crab shells AGAIN) twitched and I lift the lid gingerly. the crab winked at me, then proceeded to STAND UP and crawl sideways. Quickly. I think it took the ads for 2Fast2Furious 2 seriously... I lunged and caught it with the lid and put a stone thingy to keep it from crawling away again. Stupid crab.
P.p.s. I can't send photos from my phone to my Mac!!! Why is that so?? I am using the sidekick-ish Samsung. What the hell what the hell.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Land of angels
*Twiddles thumbs*
I don't know what's up with me lately. Ever since BKK I feel so... nothing. Obviously grammatically incorrect but i don't care I just feel so blah now. Sulkkkkkks.
Anyway BKK photos! And some other long overdue ones, plenty of the two princesses. I'm quite disappointed by the number of photos I took in BKK, and I know it's not enough but I was bz shopping and it's not safe to bring a bag out so the camera stayed in the hotel's safe for the most of 5 days... I only realise now haha.
Qt and I got lost in the airport... and we couldn't find Burger King, so we just sat at a source-scarce Delifrance. And I was strolling around and saw this cute Unagi Rice. It was so cute that I bought it. At 10bucks. Luckily, it was delish.
Soup from Delifrance. Qt ate a croissant meal and I took his soup cos I like soup. But the airport's Delifrance's so deprived!!! Haha soup was in plastic cutlery all. No real plates at all.
On the plane
Bye Singapore!!!
Airplane food. Cathay Pacific's food's not bad at all... compared to SIA. I took fish and Qt took some pasta... which I thought would be gross but when it came I traded it with him straightaway.
Their 'pasta' was like cute little grains of spagetti!! When I came back I staked out Cold Storage, Fairprice, even Qt house's minimart downstairs to look for it cos it was DAMN GOOD. But so far nada.
Airport transfer to Marriott Courtyard.
First step into room... I wonder why is it so hard to capture the room's size in photographs? I mean, I can never take satisfactory shots of hotel rooms. Is it about the lens width or some complicated schthing?
Beddy bed. It's so comfortable I swear. And they give you 5 pillows from the start... Shiok!
Apparently the cool thing about this new Marriott is that between the bathroom and bedroom there's just this plane of glass so you can peek at your mother shaving.
Just kidding. I meant so you can watch telly while you brush your teeth.
Note the teeny luggage we brought.
Poo place
Oh and they has A LOT of towels. Which is excellent. One for eyes, one for mouth, one for putting on the floor.
Their palm trees made me feel like I was in California. Haha... wistful dreaming.
All angmohs but no hot girls.
Guess what's in this treasure chest lookalike thingamajig?
Just kidding.
Oh yeah, beer in thailand is like 1 for 1 SGD. On our first night we bought like 5 bottles, plus cocktails and bourbon I think. And we were like expecting Red Bull to be sold everywhere but NADA! Even in Big C, which is a super gigantic thai version of Giant, Red Bull was nowhere to be found. Ironically we found it in a Japanese supermarket -.-
I have to say, their slippers are the fluffiest I've worn. Bouncy and all...
Getting ready to go shopping. Ok I admit it I just wanted to put up as many pictures of humans as possible because there aren't many.
On the first day we reached at 4 plus cos traffic was SO horrible so we only went to Central Mall to shop and get neccessities. And eat.
A few regrets I had about BKK are not buying enough Naraya bags for my aunts, not enough shorts for my sister, and not enough cotton shirts. Oh and not getting to eat food court food. What I heard from others is that they always eat at food courts cos thai food's amazing and the price tags are even more amazing. One meal only cost 60 baht. But Qt refused to eat at food courts and every meal we had cost at least 1000 baht. Which we could have spent on shopping.
Anyway that was Qt waiting for our food at The Pizza Company which is a total Pizza Hut knockoff but tasted WAY better.
And had HUGE glasses. Pizza Hut in Singapore, Malaysia only give you a small pitcher of Coke with ice inside already occupying so much space for like what, 10 SGD? In Bangkok a HUGE pitcher of Coke with no ice inside cost only 2-3 bucks I think.
.... I made him do it.
Happy cos he loves Coke
Ahahah I bet you were so not prepared to see my huge ass face
Trying to act like i'm not the one taking the photograph.
Chicken fingers. OMG I ordered it cos i was craving for BK's. And it tastes exactly the same, except cheaper.
Ok there's only 2 pictures cos I was too hungry.
Our shopping after the 2nd day. We stayed there for 5 days AHHAHAHA.
I do know that the number of photographs are disappointing, even I was mildly surprised when I went through them. Because Qt discouraged me from bringing along a bag, so hopes of bringing a camera along was zilch. Anyway I am so very happy with my shopping :D
Oh and I wanted to dye my hair and do acrylic nails with lots of diamentes on there since it's cheaper (by a wide margin) but I had no time cos Qt wanted to do more shopping and not wait for a few hours for me to be done.
Oh God after a travelog i'm still boring.
Overdue photos:
Kimberly and Kenneth's bday
Coco Exotic (again)
Monster Chew and Dreamy Chew
Dreamy Chew is pretending that she's Superman with the towel dress I bought for her from BKK.
Monster Chew
She looked so small... I went along with my aunt and her helper to bring the two girls to Galilee Kindergarten which was my alma mater :/ Nic looked so vulnerable and small... She is starting school 4 months earlier and looked teeny next to the other kids ):
They are so cute omg!!!!
I feel so maternal now.
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